
Avec de vrais morceaux de 2.0 !

MusicDirector File Updater

MusicDirector is a music software from eJay, similar to Acid.
It's great for a very low price (~10 euros or less), but it has a lot of flaws.
Like a lot of bugs and crashes (but it's normal for a windows software no ?),
and the file format used is very crappy : once you created a song with samples
from a directory, you can't move the samples from one path to another, the software
offers no way to relocate a sample file. Crap!

But heres the solution, this tiny script will read and write to MDX files used
by MusicDirector to replace paths used for samples.

You have to fill the path replacement array in the source file with what you need, please note that
slashes will be replaced with backslashes (more convenient). Then run the script like this :

 $ php music-director.php mysong.MDX

It will show you the samples it found and the replacements it will do... if you add --replace
in the command-line, like this:

 $ php music-director.php mysong.MDX --replace

Note that it will not actually replace the original file but just create a new one called
mysong-replaced.mdx with the replaced paths.

If you forgot where the samples were, just use the first command and it will show you the paths
MusicDirector tries to find.

Download the script

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