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Zoom H-1 2.00 upgrade

The Zoom H-1 is a very interesting pocket digital recorder priced at ~95 €. It features two good quality microphones in XY position and can record up to 10 hours with one standard AA battery. Basically it's the same stuff as the H-2 but with only 2 mics, cheaper, and made of plastic. The microphone quality is good, not the best, but for the price it would be difficult to find something better.

Some time ago Zoom released a new firmware release (2.00) which mainly adds an USB audio interface feature, which allows you to use it as USB microphone / headphone amp.

How to upgrade?

  1. Download the firmware from ZOOM website
  2. Unzip the archive
  3. On Linux and OSX rename the file to uppercase H1MAIN.BIN (instead of H1MAIN.bin)
  4. Copy the file to the root of the memory card of the recorder
  5. Unplug the H1
  6. While pressing the play button, slide the power switch
  7. Press record button two times to confirm the upgrade
  8. When the upgrade is finished ("Done") you can power it off

If you get a "Write Error" message while upgrading, the file name is probably wrong. It should be "H1MAIN.BIN" in uppercase.

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