
Avec de vrais morceaux de 2.0 !

Bitlbee, MSN and web-interface

I wrote a little Bitlbee fork just for fun. Took Bitlbee 1.0.3 + akke1 msn patch + some modifications of my own so the MSN pictures path can't be edited by user and just edited in bitlbee.conf. With this you can do public servers with this patch.

You can try it by creating an account on alinea.kd2.org:6667. Add a MSN account, go to http://bitlbee.kd2.org/, create your webspace, wait for some MSN friends to speak to you so that they will transmit their buddy icon to you and go watch always at http://bitlbee.kd2.org, with only your BitlBee nickname and password (the web interface uses bitlbee files to match your password), and see what happened. The web interface lets you also edit your own buddy icon.

If you want to install this, check those things on my SVN:

Warning, do this at your own risk, it's totally experimental :)

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