
Avec de vrais morceaux de 2.0 !

Chrome bug with windows names

Chromium is as interesting as it can gets annoying. It's full of Google spyware and its developers don't really care about the users. One more example, discovered today is about window.open. In every browser, when you create a window with a specific name, you can always change its URL by simply doing a new window.open with the same name. Like if you do this on a first page:

window.open("popup.php?page=1", "mypopup");

Then you do this in a second page :

window.open("newpopup.php?page=2", "mypopup");

It won't create a new window, it will just change the location of the existing window if it still exists. If the window was closed on the second window.open, a new window would be created. That's very useful in some cases, and it works in every browser. Except one, Chromium. In Chrome the second call will just create a new window, it just ignores the window name. And they don't want to fix it. Great, isn't it?

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"It's full of Google spyware and its developers don't really care about the users"

That's vague... Some references would be nice.


Like... enabled by default: statistics sent to google, google translate sends each page visited too Google, the sync is done with a Google account and data is stored on Google servers without any possibility to use a different server, google suggest in the address bar, etc.