
Avec de vrais morceaux de 2.0 !

Opera 10.60 released on Linux: don't upgrade!

I'm very happy that finally a new relase of Opera has landed on Linux platforms but it should really have been delayed. There is a lot of bugs and problems.

First, after upgrade my Opera was unable to reach any website. Strange. I had to try to delete my old operaprefs.ini and try to add each line until finding the one doing this. It was "Synchronous DNS Lookup=1" that I had to delete in order to be able to use my Opera.

Secondly, my Thinkpad trackpoint was not scrolling anymore on left and right, only up and down. Pretty weird too. I had to add those lines to my "standard mouse.ini" in order to make it work again:

Button6=Scroll left
Button7=Scroll right

That's a shame as it was already working without those lines in previous version. Finally the interface is really ugly and I'm unable to use Opera anymore on my computer:

What the fuck happened?! My only fault is to use a dark GTK skin (but btw the problem is the same with a black Qt skin). How the hell I'm I supposed to recognize the icons in the toolbar? Or reading my personal bar bookmarks? And I don't even speak of the forms in web pages which I just can't fucking read.

For information here how it looked like in Opera 10.11:

And there's a lot of regressions I noticed and reported on Opera Desktop team blog and Opera bug report wizard and almost none of the have been fixed for final release.

That's a shame, it's a really really bad news because I can't fucking use my browser anymore. I'm using Opera since its 3.5 version, and that's the first time I'm that much angry for a new release. It's rushed, it's buggy and it's not at all a software with the quality it used to have. My advice will be for any Linux user

Come on Opera, please make it what it used to be: the best browser on earth. Please!

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Use it with default and skin and default settings moron.

it's clear to me you have hacked around with your Opera in the past and now it does not work anymore. Why is that Operas fault?