
Avec de vrais morceaux de 2.0 !

WMP = Wii Music Player Client

WMP is not an accronym for Windows Media Player (what are you thinking of?!) but for Wiimuplay, aka Wii Music Player Client, a brand new client for Music Player Daemon. It's web-driven, using the Wii Web browser (Opera for Wii) and PHP5/PEAR. It's full of 2.0 keywords: AJAX, SVG, and a lot more of things. Let's see below.

Opera is very good browser i'm using everyday, and on the Wii, Opera's features seems very interesting, like Server-Side-Events or full SVG support. With SSE you don't have to poll the webserver with AJAX requests, you keep a living connection with the http server as long as you wish and the server sends you informations when he wants. Here it's very useful, the server will only bother the client when it will change the song playing or anything else. And it's pretty simple to use (see my code).

OK so this is a web client for MPD on the Wii. It uses the PEAR Net_MPD class for PHP5 and of course you will need an Opera browser like on your Wii (works well with Opera 9 on Linux too, but there is a lot of better clients for real computers).

This client uses also a lot SVG drawing and animation to do pretty things. But sadly this makes Opera crashing (both on PC and Wii).

This client is only in alpha stage and will not be updated until Opera will correct those bugs. But you can try it as en experiment of technology.

Main features : real time (with server side events), pretty and dynamic (with SVG + DOM/Javascript). You'll see my code it's really simple. This player only consists in two files: index.php and wmp.js. There is no picture, everything is drawn in SVG.

You can download WMP here : http://svn.kd2.org/svn/misc/apps/wii-mpc/

You can view it in action here : http://svn.kd2.org/svn/misc/apps/wii-mpc/wmp-shot1.jpg (notice the sweet SVG animation ;) )

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